Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Food: When Should You Toss Condiments - Expiration Dates

Food Expiration Dates 101: How Long to Keep Pickles, Mayo and Other Condiments

Almost everyone has a jar of something really old in the back of their fridge. And that mystery jar usually contains some sort of condiment. Read on for StillTasty’s guidelines on keeping and tossing ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, salad dressings and more!


Unopened: 12 months in the pantry.
Opened: 6 months in the refrigerator, 1 month in the pantry.
While you see opened bottles of ketchup sitting out on restaurant tables, it’s best to store your own ketchup (which probably gets used less often) in your refrigerator.


Unopened: 3 to 4 months after the sell-by date on the package.
Opened: 2 to 3 months after the sell-by date on the package.
Sell-by dates represent the manufacturer’s estimate of how long the product will be at peak quality. In most cases, opened food is safe to consume after a sell-by date if it has been stored properly and continuously refrigerated.

Barbecue Sauce

Unopened: 12 months in the pantry.
Opened: 4 months in the refrigerator, 1 month in the pantry.
Store opened barbecue sauce in the refrigerator to extend its shelf life. Toss any sauce that develops an off color or scent.

Mustard, All Types

Unopened: 2 years in the pantry.
Opened: 1 year in the refrigerator, 1 to 2 months in the pantry.
Opened mustard has a very long shelf life (one year!) when stored in the refrigerator. Toss any mustard that develops an off color or scent


Unopened: 2 years in the pantry.
Opened: 1 year in the refrigerator.
Like mustard, opened relish has a long shelf life when refrigerated. If relish develops an off color, odor or appearance, discard it.

Creamy Salad Dressings (Ranch, Blue Cheese, Thousand Island)

Unopened: 12 to 18 months in the pantry.
Opened: 6 to 9 months in the refrigerator.
Creamy dressings must be refrigerated after opening. If mold appears, discard the entire product

Vinaigrette-based Salad Dressings (Italian, Balsamic Vinaigrette)

Unopened: 12 to 18 months in the pantry.
Opened: 6 to 9 months in the refrigerator.
If your salad dressing develops an off color, odor or appearance, discard it.

Pickles, All Types

Unopened: 2 years in the pantry.
Opened: 1 year in the refrigerator.
If your pickles develop an off color, odor or appearance, discard them.

Olives, Ripe in Oil

Opened: 2 to 3 months in the refrigerator.
Keep olives submerged in liquid after opening. Discard if they develop an off color, odor or appearance.

Credit: The article is property of

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