Top Left is my daughter April, if your a regular reader you know she is my best friend and takes the best care of me. Beside her is Darren her hubby and the greatest son in law in the world.

3. Kayla is like my own she gave me two beautiful grandson's twins, Braydon in the red shirt and Bryce in the blue shirt at Easter!

I enjoy having flowers on my deck every spring. So I water them, watch them daily, and get excited when I see the flowers sprout up.

5. One night I was working on a puzzle and kept hearing a strange rattling in our kitchen. My 13 yrs. old Peanut found our bird seed bag open and decided to explore. She didn't like the taste.

6. I call this my blooper picture from the outing with my family to take bluebonnet pictures. I love grandpuppy Sailor but he surprised me with a wet kiss on my wrist.

7. My husband sent me these pretty flowers for Valentines day. Years ago I started taking pictures of the flowers he gives me.

8. Grandson Shane is in the red go cart and Grandson Jarrett is in the blue go cart. They visited me and their folks treated us to Park and Pizza here in Austin! Jarrett and Shane are so much fun to be around, we giggle, and truly enjoy our time together.

9. People ask me what my hubby David looks like. Here he is at Christmas with those light blue eyes glowing. It has been 23 years and he is the love of my life!!

10. Sailor in his room. This is the look I get when he throws his beg face at me, "Ah,Come On Granny let me out Huh?" Yep, I cave. He jumped the gate once to get to his Mom April. I think he knows he can but is so well behaved. The sweetest puppy and very smart.
11. Not the best picture but I do have a mouse tattoo that I enjoy. I designed him to include the daisy my favorite flower.

12. Meet Lady she rescued us and is now 13 years old like Peanut we love her so very much. She likes to chase Sailor a couple times a week which the Vet says helps her arthritis. She is Dave's shadow and sure is his girl.

13. My family Victoria, Gregg, Jarrett, and Shane. Gratitude doesn't begin to explain how much I appreciate their love, by sharing our boys with me. They visit me and light up my world.

14. I found this recipe and thought that is just what I need to make, it is two stacked oreos which I iced and did a decorative swirl. They don't look so great but were Delicious.

15. Bluebird that visited my deck last Spring. I was determined to get some decent pictures of the wild birds. I caught a few good ones such as this one.

16. One night a few months back I heard a commotion on the deck. Picked up my camera expecting to see raccoons which normally visit but caught this fellow instead.

17. This is my son, Shane who is not a fan of me taking pictures of him. He is a great Dad to Bryce and Braydon. I am proud of the man he has become.
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